Ada Keralam, a prominent Malayalam movie distributor, made waves in the international film market by successfully releasing the much-anticipated film “Manjummel Boys” in the United States. The film, directed by a talented Malayalam filmmaker, gained significant attention for its unique storyline, engaging performances, and stellar production quality.
Known for his expertise in marketing and distributing Malayalam films abroad, Ada Keralam strategically planned the release of “Manjummel Boys” in the USA. Leveraging the growing interest in Indian cinema globally, especially among the Malayali diaspora, Ada Keralam aimed to bring a slice of Kerala’s rich cinematic culture to international audiences.
The release of “Manjummel Boys” in the USA marked a milestone for Ada Keralam, who meticulously orchestrated promotional campaigns, premieres, and collaborations with local distributors to ensure the film reached a wider audience. The film’s success was attributed not only to its compelling narrative but also to Ada Keralam’s adept handling of the distribution process, making it accessible to a diverse audience.